Central District Dental Society
Newsletter 2007 #2

CDDS Newsletter 2007 #2
N e w s l e t t e r
Here’s your dose of “Mental Floss”
John Bowman - Editor Vol. XXVI, No. 2 May, 2007

..THURSDAY .. MAY 17 ..
6:00 ~ Social Hour 7:00 ~ Program
Come early and enjoy all that the
Music Hall of Fame has to offer!!!
Registered Representative of John Hancock
PLEASE …..RSVP - cards with $15 by Monday, May 14
so that we may have
an accurate head count for the meeting .
Thank you!
Send to: Dr. Don Benton
4128 Arkwright Rd. Suite B Macon 31210
t.doc@cox.net (0) -475-1980

.. TUESDAY, MAY 15th .. 7:00 PM ..

Changed to:

Don Benton's office
4128 Arkwright Road
Suite B

All Committee Chairpersons, Delegates, and Officers are
members of the Executive Committee and are required to
attend. Other interested district members
are welcome to attend.


As I sit and write this I can hear the TV in the background. The
Masters, “a tournament like no other”, is on. The familiar
signature music calls me and I lean from my chair to gaze through
the camera’s eye on the immaculately kept clubhouse and golf
course. Augusta National is a place that defines tradition, attention
to detail and challenge.
It occurs to me that Dentistry is quite similar in many ways.
Certainly most of us are challenged in some way each and every
day. Attention to detail is a must if we want to achieve our desired
results. And there are traditions in the form of professional
conduct, policy and rules.
Times do change, though, and all of us have to make
adjustments. Augusta National lengthened the course to account
for new technology and longer hitting competitors. Dentistry is
looking at its policies and rules on advertising to accommodate new
technology and new professionals. Both Augusta National and
Dentistry have other issues to look at as well. I just hope that we
both can make the necessary changes while retaining all that is so
good about both today.
In closing, since this is my last ‘President’s Letter’, I would just
like to say thank you to each of you for allowing me the opportunity
to serve as an officer for the last three years. See you May 17 at the
Music Hall of Fame.
Deena Holliman Smith

March 14, 2007
· $6,500 has been allocated from the General Contingency
Fund for the redesign and functional improvement of the
GDA’s web page.
·Task Force on Dental Advertising provided a preliminary
report concerning the advertising issue. Final report to be
given at the July House of Delegates.
·Contributions can be made to the Norwood Scholarship Fund
at MCG in Memory of Dr. Charlie Norwood.
·The GDA has a complimentary Placement Service to help
you hire clerical and clinical staff for your office.
·Task Force on Dental “Appliances” met with GDA General
Counsel Robert Renjel and drafted a proposed rule to assist
the Board of Dentistry.
·Staff Appreciation Cruise will be February 14 - 18, 2008. Call
the GDA office for details
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Loden

Member News
Got any news? We’d love to publish it… just send it in and we can
all celebrate your accomplishments!

Minutes and Dollars
February 20,2007 Office of Ty Ivey.
Attending: Deena Holliman-Smith, Mike Loden, Kara Moore, John Bowman,
Jon Griggs, Shirley Fisher, Alfred Peters, Jay Harington, Lindsay Holliday,
Paul Fraysure, Roy Lehrman, Ty Ivey, Don Spillers, Don Benton

Deena opened the meeting at 7:05pm

Minutes of the November Meeting were approved

Treasury Report was reviewed as well as attendance for the Warner
Robins Mtg. and all-day CE at the Museum of Aviation.

Legislative: Jay Harrington thanked all for good showing at the Leg.
Reception in Dec. Discussion followed as to possibly inviting spouses
next year to include Legislator spouses. This issue will be discussed again
at the May EC Mtg. Jay also encouraged participation at the LAW
program, March 14. Also mentioned GADPAC needs funding and we
will work on a list of members that have not participated recently.

Mike Loden next gave the BOT Report See in this issue.

HOD Report :No report this mtg.

ADA Delegation: Ty noted that Marie Schweinebraten is the new Fifth
District Trustee. The delegation continues to work diligently on our
behalf at the national level.

Membership Committee: Mike Loden has agreed to attend the ADA
Meeting on Membership in June.

Recruitment and Retention Meeting in Chicago will be attended by Kara
Moore in March. District to reimburse for reasonable expenses.

Hygiene Advisory Committee: No Reports Other than CGTC is looking for
for a volunteer to serve as President of the Committee.

Constitution and Bylaws:John Bowman and Jon Griggs reported that GDA
Council Robert Renjel has reviewed Constitution and Bylaws and Policy
Manual for consistency with GDA documents. John Bowman
recommended that once approved they should be printed for all EC
members and new members as they come into membership in our
District. Motion made ,seconded and approved to accept the revised
documents for presentation to the membership as well as made
available on the web. We will need to vote at the May Meeting to
accept the documents.

Nominating Committee: Ty Ivey for Kendrick Mathews. Nominating
Committee met and presents the following: Vice President Roy Lehrman,
Alternate Delegate Deena Holliman-Smith. Motion made seconded and
accepted unanimously. Discussion followed: Ivey wishes to step down
from the ADA delegation and requests that Jay Harrington be elected to

replace him as the trustee. Ty will inform the GDA Office that District
Pres. Deena will appoint Jay.

Don Spillers noted that CE Committee with GDA has planned another
Cruise for Feb 2008. Stay tuned to GDA Action for details.

Old Business: Discussion about locations for May Meeting and program.
We may need to try a new venue to keep attendance up Mike Loden
will work on the Particulars of the meeting.

New Business: Board of Dentistry, Hygiene Committee is hearing reports in
favor of Hygienists administering local anesthesia. The committee needs
to hear why they should not be giving local anesthesia. Submit
correspondence to Steve Holcomb.

Shirley Fisher requested information to include pictures for Children's
Dental Health Month. Please submit to Shirley so she can get it to the
GDA office.

Jay Harrington will be attending the Leadership Conference in Washington
DC April 30, May 1,2. Motion made seconded and passed to help Jay
offset some of the expenses as this is very important meeting to stay up
on current and future issues.
No other business, meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.
Month activities. motion
Respectfully submitted,
Donald B. Benton, Jr. DMD
4128 Arkwright Rd. Ste. B
Macon, GA 31210-1707
478.475.1980 Voice 478.475.5654 Fax 478.960.0287 Mobile

GDIS is a subsidiary of the GDA. We offer GDA members,
their families and dental staff, employed by members, the
chance to apply for fine insurance products
Call: 800-432-4357 or 404--636-7553

The staff works for GDA members,
not the insurance companies
Denis Mucha - mucha@gadental.org
Renee Clay - clay@gadental.org
Baarbara Kaul - kaul@gadental.org

CDDS News .. May 2007 .. Page 4
Balance Brought Forward ........................................................... $12,750.77
GDA / Legislative Scarves and Ties.....................................................396.00
GDA / Caucus Breakfast........................................................................150.75
Macon Letter Service,Feb.Mailout ..................................................... 526.61
WRAFB Officer's Club Meal ............................................................. 1,544.90
Kara Moore /Door Prize Reimbursement...........................................158.23
Victory Cafe, WR Museum of Aviation...............................................387.50
Alpha Graphics,C&B Typesetting .......................................................176.55
Kara Moore, Chicago Reimbursement ........................................... 1,140.51
February Meeting Receipts ..................................................................900.00
CDDS Dues Disbursement From GDA..........................................12,245.50
Money Market Balance ......................................................................8,153.91
Donald B. Benton, Jr. DMD
4128 Arkwright Rd. Ste. B
Macon, GA 31210-1707
478.475.1980 Voice
478.475.5654 Fax
478.960.0287 Mobile
WORKS FOR YOU! Have you made your
contribution? If not, please do so today!


GADPAC is an important part of our GDA.
GADPAC contributions will still be accepted!!!
Send yours in today!
Thank you to all who were able to rearrange their schedules to
participate in the rescheduled LAW DAY.
It’s been a very unusual legislative year with many recesses due
mostly with Peachcare funding and budget. If HB340 is still
in the Senate when this newsletter reaches you, let your
Senator know we are opposed to dentistry being carved
out as an optional benefit. Any questions, call me!
Jay Harrington
478-453-8666 - work
478-456-5900 - cell

Dates - Events - Calendar
 District Meetings 2007 

May 15 - CDDS Exec Comm.
May 17th  - CDDS District Meeting

July 22-29  GDA Annual Meeting at San Destin Golf and Beach Resort in Florida

Central District Officers 2006-2007

President - Deena Holliman Smith
President-elect - Mike Loden
Vice-President - Lindsay Holliday
Secretary-Treasurer - Don Benton
Editor -  John Bowman

GDA Delegation
Kendrick Mathews - Chairman,Thomas Griffin, Jay Harrington , Nancy O’Brien, Steve McLain

Alternate Delegates
Alfred Peters, Shirley Fisher, Roy Lehrman, Craig McCroba, Pinkney Gilcrist

ADA Delegate - Ty Ivey

Nominating Committee
Ty Ivey, Craig McCroba, Pinkney Gilcrist, Shawn Scott, Bob Vedder

CDDS Committee Appointments:
Awards - Don Spillers
Constitution & Bylaws - Jon Griggs
Council on Dental Health - Shirley Fisher
Finance - Kendrick Mathews
Forensic Dentistry - Ashley Walker
Governmental Affairs - Jay Harrington
Membership Services - Mike Loden
Peer Review - Thomas Woodcock
Public Relations - Lindsay Holliday
Recruitment & Retention - Kara Griffin Moore
Workforce - Shirley Fisher

When Jewish psychiatrist Victor Frankl was arrested by the
Nazis in World War II, he was stripped of everything
- property,
family, possessions. He had spent years researching and writing a
book on the importance of finding
meaning in life - concepts that
later would be known as
logotherapy. When he arrived in
Auschwitz, the infamous death camp, even his manuscript, which
he had hidden in the lining of his coat, was taken away.

“I had to undergo and overcome the loss of my spiritual child”,
Frankl writes. “Now it seemed as if nothing and no one would
survive me; neither a physical nor a spiritual child of my own! I
found myself confronted with the question of whether under such
circumstances my life was ultimately void of any meaning.”

He was still wrestling with that question a few days later when
the Nazis forced the prisoners to give up their clothes.
“I had to surrender my clothes and in turn inherited the worn
out rags of an inmate who had been sent to the gas chamber,” says
Frankl. “Instead of the many pages of my manuscript, I found in the
pocket of the newly acquired coat a single page torn out of a
Hebrew prayer book, which contained the main Jewish prayer,
Shema Yisrael (Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one God. And
you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your might.)

“How should I have interpreted such a “coincidence” other than
as a challenge
to live my thoughts instead of merely putting them
on paper?”

Later as Frankl reflected on his ordeal, he wrote in his book,
Man’s Search for Meaning, “There is nothing in the world that
would so effectively help one to survive even the worst conditions,
as the knowledge that there is a meaning in one’s life. He who has a
why to live for can bear almost any horror.”

I believe that part of that why is that of achieving relationships with our
fellow dentists. I personally have learned much, enjoyed much while
sitting, conversing, getting to know my fellow dentists at our District
Meetings. Please make an effort to attend our meeting. We all are richer
for each person’s presence.

John Bowman, Editor

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