Kim Carter <>
Subject: Re: From Kimberlyn Carter-8th CD Obama Delegate

A review of facts

I’m disturbed by the negative comments concerning the health-care debate going on in Congress. Maybe a review of the facts concerning U.S. health care will help readers make up their minds concerning this critical debate:

Fact: In the U.S., health care costs more than twice the amount in the rest of the industrialized world.

Fact: A full sixth of our gross domestic product (the measure of all goods and services produced in the U.S.) is spent on health care, probably a very conservative estimate considering it does not take into account all the charity health care provided by hospitals, doctors, clinics, etc.

Fact: Health care costs are growing at least twice as fast as any other segment in the economy.

Fact: The first line of defense in our health-care system, primary care providers, are overwhelmed. (If you don’t believe me, just make a visit to your local doctor or a hospital emergency room.)

Fact: Our health-care system is rewarded on quantity, not quality (reminiscent of American car manufacturers.)

Fact: There is little incentive, if any, for collaboration in our health-care system, although health care is becoming more complex by the day.

I could go on and on about the problems in American health care, but the above facts make the point well. Individually, each of these facts merit overhaul of our current system. Together, they point out the obvious — the system is broken beyond repair.

In the mid-’90s, I lived and worked in Switzerland with my young family. Our experience with the Swiss system was phenomenal. We never waited to see a provider, nor did we do without any medication nor diagnostic procedure. All of this cost me nothing. So I know it can happen.

— George McCulley

Warner Robins

I've finally seen the light!




  From: "Bob Goodman" <>
Subject: Death panelists at work

"The key difference [between health insurance companies in the US and in other rich countries] is that foreign health insurance plans exist only to pay people's medical bills, not to make a profit.  The United States is the only developed country that lets insurance companies profit from basic health coverage."  -- T. R. Reid, "5 Myths About Healthcare Around the World," The Washington Post, August 23, 2009.
"Meet my soulmate":
Cleaning the healthcare swamp:
"Where Are Our Votes?"
What Unnecessary Procedures?
Health Care Fit for Animals

Pic: "Think of how much healthcare that Cigna had to deny its customers in order to pay $12, 236,740 in 2008 to  its CEO, H. Edward Hanway."