A D A    G D A

Central  District  Dental Society

Access to Care
ACTION Request - - >>> We need to support resolution 35 and oppose Res 39.

ADA Delegates emails

Here is a comprehensive list of emails to forward your opposition for the mid level provider bill at the ADA meeting in San Antonio.  The states with only one email will forward your message to their delegates.

Alaska <akdental@alaska.net>,

California <Diane.Schaubach@cda.org>,

Connecticut <cdingeldey@csda.com>,

District of Columbia  - Dr Alan Singer - <docextract@aol.com>,
Dr Sally Cram - <drcram@yahoo.com>,
Dr James Richeson - <jim@yourdentaldr.com>,

Deleware will be opposing the CDHC.

GDA Pres - Mark Ritz  <msritz@alltel.net>,
Dr Peter Trager <ptragerdds@bellsouth.net>,
Dr Thomas Field <fieldortho@gmail.com>,
Dr Joseph DuFresne <joseph.dufresne@yahoo.com>,
Dr Donna Moses <dthomasmoses@aol.com>,
Hawaii <VERSMAN@aol.com> ,
Carl Kobayashi <mauidoc@wonderfulsmiles.com>,
Darrell Teruya <teruyadt@mail.hawaiidentalassociation.net>,
Ed Cassella  <edcassella@hawaii.rr.com>,
Gary Umeda   <umedadds@hotmail.com>,
Gary Yonemoto   <gsy@eshawaii.net>,
Neil Nunokawa  <nunos@aloha.net>,

Dr William Lee <lee.tll@qx.net>,
Dr H Fred Howard  <hfhoward@kih.net>,
Dr W. Ken Rich  <wkrich@aol.com>,
Dr John Creech   <louendojlc@bellsouth.net>,
Dr Stephen Robertson  <drsrobertson@bgdestinydental.com>,

Louisiana <annette@ladental.org>,

Mississippi - Dr James Russell Dumas  <drdumas@windstream.net>,
Dr Donald Seago  <dlseago@aol.com>,
Dr D Hank Singley <drdhs@cavtel.net>,
Dr Walter Diaz   <wdiaz@msdental.org>,
Dr Clarke Stewart  <cstewart@msdental.org>,
Dr Robert Rives  <Rivesrw@hotmail.com>,

New Jersey <ameisel@njda.org>,

Oklahoma <sfrantz@okda.org>,

Rhode Island - Dr Edwin Mehlman DDS  <mehlmane@adamember.net>,
Dr Jeffrey E Dodge DMD <drjedodge@earthlink.net>,
Dr Francis A Connor Jr DDS  <uoms@aol.com>,

South Carolina - Phil Latham SCDA executive director <lathamp@scda.org>,

Vermont <Ptaylorvt@aol.com>,
Ken Versman <VERSMAN@aol.com>,

Wyoming Dr Randy Hancock  <hancockdmd@vcn.com>,
Dr Carol Hungerford  <CAROLDDS@VCN.COM>,
Dr David Okano  <dkokano@wyoming.com>,
Dr John Roussalis    <jerortho@bresnan.net>,

A Big Thanks!
"Dr. John C. Kuo" <jckuodmd@gmail.com>
for helping to assemble this information.


click above for the White Paper

Dear Colleagues,
Please contact your ADA leaders across the US (before the ADA Annual Meeting in San Antonio) and ask them to support Resolution#35 "The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) White Paper on Increasing Access to and Utilization of Oral Health Care Services" instead of the (Resolution #39) ADA program to establish a new mid-level "dentist" called a CDHC.  Read explanation below in Ty Ivey's letter to you all.
- Lindsay

Ty Ivey


To the members of the Central District Dental Society,

        As per the request from last night's meeting, I am writing you about the concerns that face the ADA delegation and what you can do to help if you agree with my assessment of the facts.  I will represent the following to you as my opinions.  This is for legal reasons.  However,  please remember that my opinions have been formulated on this issue by serving as your Delegate to the ADA for 15 years,  as a member of the ADA Council of Government Affairs for four years and on the Alaska Task Force for three years.  There are those who think that I am crazy.  You will have to form your own opinion of that as well. 

        One of the main concerns here is that across the country, very few districts are as well informed as you are and you are aware that you don't have all of the pieces to the puzzle.  What is going on in dentistry today has been growing for approximately 10 years and the Executive Director for the ADA for the last 8 years has in my opinion aided these efforts (and he was recently dismissed).  First there was the Alaska Dental Health Therapist.  Short form of the story: After 18 months training in New Zealand, 18 people have been trained to work in the bush of Alaska... performing supposedly under the supervision of a dentist ( via teleconference ).  These high school graduates can perform operative procedures including Stainless Steel Crowns.  They can extract teeth and perform the duties of a dental hygienist on (supposedly, just) children and on adults in emergency situations.  The ADA copped out on the lawsuit to stop this illegal practice of dentistry promoted by the US Public Health Service by settling the case and paying over 1/2 million dollars for a seat of the controlling board of this entity.  This seat has still not been filled after over a year.  This is because the Alaskans seem to have changed their minds about allowing the ADA any input. 

        After this, the ADA decided that we needed to counter with "our own" mid level provider.  It is a long story how we got to this place in time and you have to buy the wine to hear the whole story.  However,  we (ADA) are working on the establishment of a mid level provider called a CDHC - Community Dental Health Coordinator (so stated by the Pres of the ADA, Dr. Kathleen Roth, in her testimony to Congress.)   After spending over $2 Million, the ADA is asking the HOD for approval of $5 Million more to finish creating this program and to train 18 people.  The success of this new level of dental provider (Think of Medicine's confusing multi-levels of care ) is gravely in doubt.  You must understand that the mood of the country is to do something, and I have reluctantly caved in to agree that we should work with the EFDA (Expanded Duty Dental Assistant) model that is already in use in several states.  I want to make it clear that I believe that we should train more dentists and let the dentists do dentistry.  But that is another bottle of wine and you are buying.  For those who want more details,  the AGD White Paper is posted on-line here: 
It supports the position of EFDA's instead of the  Community Dental Health Coordinators.  This White Paper written by the AGD has given us one LAST chance to try to get the ADA headed in the right direction now that the aforementioned Executive Director has been fired.

1 - Write your ADA delegation - all of them.  They are in your source book.  The GDA can help you with e-mail addresses ( GDA toll free 800-432-4357 ).  Ask them to oppose the CDHC model and in stead support EFDA's and also ask them to reject the $5 Mil funding for the CDHC.  The Resolutions that involve these are #35 ( the CDHC Model ) and #39 for the funding.

2 - Then call your friends across the country.  They will probably not know anything about this.  However, you may run into one of those people who think that I am crazy.  Don't argue with them.  Just get off of the phone.  If your friend is upset and agrees with you,  ask him/her to start their own chain of calls.  NOTE THAT I AM ASKING YOU TO
CALL NOT E-MAIL THESE PEOPLE.  E-MAILS GET INTO THE WRONG HANDS AND GET MISINTERPRETED.  So please call out of state.     If you have any questions, send me an e-mail <tyivey@juno.com> or call my house at 478-474-5911 and leave a message if I am not at home. 
3 - This is critically important.  Because if the wrong resolutions pass on this subject, there will be no going back and we will have jumped off of the cliff to imitate the medical model.  There will be no return after San Antonio.
Thanks for you help.  It is your association.  Only you can save it, because the Delegation will fail without a ground swell from the grassroots.


Georgia's - Central  District  Dental Society

this page is under construction by Lindsay Holliday, DMD.